The physical restriction is often the limited radiant area. At least
with heating, condensation is not your problem...however the surface
temperature should not exceed 30 deg C, else it starts impacting on
comfort in several ways.
So heat transfer is (broadly ) a function of the difference between
1) radiant Surface temperature
2) zone air temperature
3) the amount of transfer surface
- Control that your surface temp is about 30 deg C
- Check what the heating load to be met is in W/m2
- Do a hand calculation given the dT of Air temp 20 deg C and surface
temp 30 deg C to see what kind of W/m2 you are expecting from your
heated floor (you will have to assume a convection coeff...neglect
radiation exchange for now).
If your heating loads are too much for the floor you must,
- reduce heating loads (i.e. Cold air comming in or thermal losses
through the windows and walls)
- consider adding other extra heating equipment
Mit freundlichen Grüßen- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity)
i. A.
Jean Marais
b.i.g. bechtold
Tel. +49 30 6706662-23