You are not confused. You are overwelmed. We all are when we start out.
So typically a
-surface object (building element object)
-- contruction object
---material object layer 1
---material object layer 2
---up to 10 layers
Objects in e+ reference other objects. In your case a shading fin might be best modelled using the surface object "Shading:Fin:Projection" (or perhaps something else is more appropriate). How did I find that? I do keyword searches in the documentation.
Mit freundlichen Grü�en- Sent from
my iPhone (excuse the brevity)
i. A.
Jean Marais
b.i.g. bechtold
Tel. +49 30 6706662-23
Hi Dear,
I am a new e+ user. I try to get help from input output reference but i am completely confused. I was wondering, is it possible in e+ have a different materials for overhang and fins?
If it's possible would you please give me a brief detail.
Thanks for your time.