I read among the â??New Features in Version 7.1.0â?? http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/energyplus_archives.cfm that
â??EnergyPlus can now use multi-core processors to speed execution of models with large geometry descriptionsâ??.
But in this discussion I read: â??E+ model only uses 1 core at a time at 100%â??
Could I use more than one core for a model?
My processor is Intel(R) Core? i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHHz
Iâ??m using Windows 7.
Although I gave EnergyPlus a high priority, the processes are using only 12% of the CPU and only 28% of the memory.
It seems that the object ProgramControl (number of threads allowed) has no effect.
How could I use the processor in order to maximize the velocity of the simulation?