ÂCheck that your reporting frequency is detailed or timestep.Mit freundlichen GrüÃ?en- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity)i. A.Jean Maraisb.i.g. bechtoldTel.  +49 30 6706662-23
On 30.01.2015, at 02:25, "tilek.aberra@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂDear All,
I refer to the idf (CoolingTowerWetBulbRangeOp.idf) that comes with E+ example files, that I have manipulated its "CondenserEquipmentOperationSchemes"Â to investigate how the branch flow rate varies based on outdoor WBT. However, I witnessed equal flow rate in the two CoolingTower branches irrespective of the WBT schedules.
Is this a bug or am I missing the point the scheme s meant to be. I have attached the file which I have modified a bit to investigate the above.
Further (this one is a general question), I thought that if I set "PlantOnSched=0" I expect the mass flow rate for the pump in the respective plant would be zero; however, I am not seeing this. As below for instance
   PlantOnSched,           !- Name
   Fraction,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
   Through: 12/31,         !- Field 1
   For: AllDays,           !- Field 2
   Until: 24:00,0.0;       !- Field 3Â
Again, am I missing the point or is there something else that needs to be adjusted?
PS: Sorry, somehow I am unable to attach the modified idf, so I just cut and pasted the sections I changed on the original idf from E+ installation.
Change 1/2
   Year Round Tower Operation, !- Name
   -50,                    !- Wet-Bulb Temperature Range 1 Lower Limit {C}
   5,                     !- Wet-Bulb Temperature Range 1 Upper Limit {C}
   All Towers,             !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
   5,                     !- Wet-Bulb Temperature Range 2 Lower Limit {C}
   70,                     !- Wet-Bulb Temperature Range 2 Upper Limit {C}
   One Tower;              !- Range 2 Equipment List Name=======================================================
Change 2/2
   All Towers,             !- Name
!   CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Equipment 1 Object Type
!    Big Tower1,             !- Equipment 1 Name
   CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Equipment 2 Object Type
   Big Tower2;             !- Equipment 2 Name=======================================================
No other changes thatn the above two on the idf.
--Tilek Aberra,
12 Bainton Pl., Doonside,
Sydney, Australia
ph:Â Â +61 (0)2 9534 4731 (home)
     +61 (0)2 8805 0421 (office)
mo:Â +61 (0)4 3959 5937