ÂFellow E+ users,If you're like me and you use notepad++ to work on .idf files, you might be interested in something I just released.
I found myself wanting two things: syntax highlighting to be able to quickly see the important keywords while scrolling down, and some kind of navigation pane in order to quickly reach a selected section of a file. Code folding was also interesting to me.
In order to achieve syntax highlighting, I've simply created user defined languages.
In order to achieve a navigation pane, I had to use an advanced function of Notepad++ called Function List.For the code folding, I used a user macro.Similar results are achieved for eQuest as well if you use both.
What you'll get out of it will look like this:
One the above picture, on the left, you can see syntax highlighting on an EnergyPlus Input File (.idf) as well as code folding (you can fold classes and/or objects)
To the right, you have the "Function List" pane that serves as a navigation pane:
- You get classes (major sections)
- You can expend them to get an anchor to any specific object: click it and you'll jump to its location in the file.
For the files as well as as installation guidelines, please go to my Github repository, where the readme should explain everything you need to know.Feedback/bug report/pull request are welcome.Cheers,Julien--
Julien Marrec, EBCP, BPI MFBA
Energy&Sustainability Engineer
T: +33 6 95 14 42 13
LinkedIn (en) : www.linkedin.com/in/julienmarrec
LinkedIn (fr) : www.linkedin.com/in/julienmarrec/fr