What do you think happens to the light energy (which is radiation, just to be clear)? I mean it hits the walls, reflects around a bit and then just magically disappears! Sorry, I've had this discussion with experienced engineers who should know better. It's more a mind trap than anything else.
ÂI don't understand why EnergyPlus has set up the heat gains from lights the way they did - with all energy being converted to heat that either enters the space as radiant/convective energy or goes into the return airstream. This seems to violate the first law of thermodynamics. If all energy went to heat, there could be no energy left over for light. And it does not allow for the efficacy of differing luminaires to be accounted for. An LED should not be accounted for in the same manner as an incandescent bulb.
Am I wrong? If so, how?  Is there a way to set the total lighting heat to space to something other than 100% of input power?
Thanks in advance,
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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