There are no "severe" errors here. You will find plenty of examples and references to ground temperatures in the documentation.
As for the unused xxxx... Think of them as templates that you have defined, but are currently not assigning to anything.
ÂI am new to EnergyPlus and Openstudio. I have a project which is required to simulate the temperature change inside a partly underground ice house. However,i encounter a severe problem during simulation. Here is the error shown below. I have no idea about how to create the ground temperature file and why there is so many unused constructions in input. My model is supposed as no lighting, no people, no activity, no HVAC, no electric,no everything except the building. Hope someone could help me solve it.
 "  ** Warning ** ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored.
  ** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input.
  **  ~~~  ** Found first in surface=SURFACE 10
  **  ~~~  ** Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.
  ** Warning ** CheckUsedConstructions: There are 9 nominally unused constructions in input.
  **  ~~~  ** For explicit details on each unused construction, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings;
  ************* Testing Individual Branch Integrity
  ************* All Branches passed integrity testing
  ************* Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity
  ************* All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing
  ************* Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity
  ************* All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing
  ************* No node connection errors were found.
  ************* Beginning Simulation
  ************* Simulation Error Summary *************
  ************* There are 27 unused schedules in input.
  ************* There are 27 unused week schedules in input.
  ************* There are 98 unused day schedules in input.
  ************* Use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayUnusedSchedules; to see them.
  ************* ===== Final Error Summary =====
  ************* The following error categories occurred. Consider correcting or noting.
  ************* Nominally Unused Constructions
  ************* ..The nominally unused constructions warning is provided to alert you to potential conditions that can cause
  ************* ..extra time during simulation. Each construction is calculated by the algorithm indicated in the HeatBalanceAlgorithm
  ************* ..object. You may remove the constructions indicated (when you use the DisplayExtraWarnings option).
  ************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
  ************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors."
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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