When you check the engineering reference on this section, you might find publications listed showing the research that built the model. Take a look and make a judgement call.
My current understanding is that rooms with atypical surface temperatures at the walls (for example windows or heated floor) won't correlate very well because the data used to build the model is for interior office. But from experience I've seen believable temperature profiles from simulation results. At least for buildings with high ceilings higher than 6 m.
Heat sources like radiators and persons create so called plumes that are very difficult to specify and basically "rip" air from one stratification to the other. The number and intensity of these in relation to the volume and dimension of the space may or may not play a significant role depending on your situation.
It helps to run CFD simulations to help tune the model.
I want to model a room that is heated by radiators.
fresh air enters the room from vanes near the ceiling. the fresh air is neither cooled nor heated before the room, but the internal gains of the room provides the load need.
I wondered whether it is possible to model the room air by the one node ventilation model though the model is specifically for a room whose fresh air is entered near the floor. I can set the heights as I want, but is the method used by this model (mundt) capable for that?
best regards
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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