A factory in the tropics...look you're gonna need some serious cooling...nothing passive about that. You have seriously hot and humid air so I would try and minimize the outdoor air in the air supply...even at night.
Passively speaking:
What you could consider is some sort of load shedding. Large tanks full of chilled water that you charge at night when electricity is cheaper and outdoor temperatures are lower.
I would insulate heavily, minimize windows and doors and forget about daylighting.
Try pull the heat away from the processes and other heat sources before they enter the work space (direct exhaust).
Put PV on the whole roof.
I would rather dehumidify less and not use radiant cooling, than the otherway around.
Night cooling...yes if you have a heavy structure (unusual for factory), but not night outdoor air flushing if humidity is a problem.
Displacement ventilation often works well due to the high ceiling. Common strategy for factory.
Direct and indirect evaporation: bottom line...keep your loops closed. Microbial growth will be more problematic in a hot humid climate. Evaporation rates in a humid climate are possibly less than a warm and dry climate.
Solar heating.
ÂDear Jean,Thank you for reply.The options are:1. cross ventilation2. desiccant humidification3. direct evaporation cooling4. indirect evaporation cooling5. displacement ventilation6. radiative cooling7. nocturnal ventilationSo among them Which cooling technique is more efficient for large factory production space (for tropical climate and min 500 nos people work) regarding energy efficiency?
ÂSajal Chowdhury
B.Arch.(BUET), M.Arch.(BUET), M.Eng.(HU,Japan)C.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Architecture (Study Leave)
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology Chittagong 4349, Bangladesh
Present Address:
Laboratory of Environmental Ergonomics
(Planning and Performances for Built Environment)
Division of Human Environmental Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
Hokkaido University, N13-W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, JAPAN
Mobile(P): +818096126951, E-MAIL: sajal_c@xxxxxxxxxOn Friday, February 19, 2016 2:35 PM, "Jean Marais jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ÂYou should list several options so that we can discuss them.On 18 Feb 2016 1:23 pm, "Sajal Chowdhury sajal_c@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂDear All,Can anybody help me regarding the issue on:**Which passive cooling technique is more efficient for large factory production space (for tropical climate and min 500 nos people work) regarding energy efficiency? If anybody do this kind of simulation by using Energy Plus need some suggestions and feedback.Thank you. ÂBest Wishes,ÂSajal Chowdhury
B.Arch.(BUET), M.Arch.(BUET), M.Eng.(HU,Japan)C.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Architecture (Study Leave)
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology Chittagong 4349, Bangladesh
Present Address:
Laboratory of Environmental Ergonomics
(Planning and Performances for Built Environment)
Division of Human Environmental Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
Hokkaido University, N13-W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, JAPAN
Mobile(P): +818096126951, E-MAIL: sajal_c@xxxxxxxxx
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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