OCC_APT_SCH, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00, !- Field 3
1.0, !- Field 4
Until: 8:00, !- Field 5
0.85, !- Field 6
Until: 9:00, !- Field 7
0.39, !- Field 8
Until: 16:00, !- Field 9
0.25, !- Field 10
Until: 17:00, !- Field 11
0.3, !- Field 12
Until: 18:00, !- Field 13
0.52, !- Field 14
Until: 21:00, !- Field 15
0.87, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00, !- Field 17
1.0; !- Field 18
and in the People input object:
Occup_GSW, !- Name
G SW Apartment, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
OCC_APT_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
2.5, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
Posted by: mr.saffari@xxxxxxxxx
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