ÂThanks. Preserving indentation or maybe adding more standard indentation like standard formatting of the code. Whatever seems best.On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 6:29 PM, Jason Glazer jglazer@xxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂChandan,
Thanks, that is a good suggestion and I added it to the list.
On 4/27/2016 7:16 AM, Chandan Sharma chandangsharma@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:
If you are still taking inputs, here is one more request. Can IDFEditor sort EMS programs in a different way (the way we actually write IF-ELSE ,nested loops statements etc) than rest of the objects?
For example, if the idf has following EMS program
  IF ABS_QdotReq < ABS_FullTotCapSens,  !- <none>     Set PLR = (ABS_QdotReq - FanPowerToAir)/ (ABS_FullTotCapSens - FanPowerToAir),  !- <none>     Set ErrorTol = 0.0005,  !- <none>     Set Iter = 0,       !- <none>     Set MaxIter = 30,     !- <none>     Set Relax = 0.8,     !- <none>     Set ABS_Error = 0.002,  !- <none>     WHILE (ABS_Error > ErrorTol) && (Iter < MaxIter),  !- <none>        Set OutAir_H = (PLR*FullLoadOutAirEnth) +  ((1.0-PLR)* FanOut_H),  !- <none>        Set OutAir_W = (PLR*FullLoadOutAirHumRat) + ((1.0-PLR)*FanOut_W),  !- <none>        Set OutletAirTemp = @TdbFnHW OutAir_H OutAir_W,  !- <none>        Set TotCapTest = AirSupMdotDesign * (DesiredZone_H - OutAir_H),  !- <none>        Set Error = (ABS_QdotReq - TotCapTest)/ABS_QdotReq,  !- <none>        Set ABS_Error = @ABS Error,  !- <none>        IF (ABS_Error > ErrorTol),  !- <none>           Set DelPLR = (ABS_QdotReq - TotCapTest) / ABS_FullTotCapSens,  !- <none>           Set PLR = PLR + Relax * DelPLR,  !- <none>           Set PLR = @min PLR 1.0,  !- <none>        ENDIF,          !- <none>        Set Iter = Iter + 1,   !- <none>        If (Iter == 16),     !- <none>           Set Relax = 0.5,     !- <none>        ENDIF,          !- <none>     ENDWHILE,         !- <none>  ELSE,           !- <none>     Set PLR = 1.0,      !- <none>     Set OutAir_H = FullLoadOutAirEnth,  !- <none>     Set OutAir_W = FullLoadOutAirHumRat,  !- <none>     Set OutletAirTemp = FullLoadOutAirTemp,  !- <none>  ENDIF,          !- <none>
after sorting from IDF Editor, it becomes as follows
  IF ABS_QdotReq < ABS_FullTotCapSens,  !- A68  Set PLR = (ABS_QdotReq - FanPowerToAir)/ (ABS_FullTotCapSens - FanPowerToAir),  !- A69  Set ErrorTol = 0.0005,  !- A70  Set Iter = 0,       !- A71  Set MaxIter = 30,     !- A72  Set Relax = 0.8,     !- A73  Set ABS_Error = 0.002,  !- A74  WHILE (ABS_Error > ErrorTol) && (Iter < MaxIter),  !- A75  Set OutAir_H = (PLR*FullLoadOutAirEnth) +  ((1.0-PLR)* FanOut_H),  !- A76  Set OutAir_W = (PLR*FullLoadOutAirHumRat) + ((1.0-PLR)*FanOut_W),  !- A77  Set OutletAirTemp = @TdbFnHW OutAir_H OutAir_W,  !- A78  Set TotCapTest = AirSupMdotDesign * (DesiredZone_H - OutAir_H),  !- A79  Set Error = (ABS_QdotReq - TotCapTest)/ABS_QdotReq,  !- A80  Set ABS_Error = @ABS Error,  !- A81  IF (ABS_Error > ErrorTol),  !- A82  Set DelPLR = (ABS_QdotReq - TotCapTest) / ABS_FullTotCapSens,  !- A83  Set PLR = PLR + Relax * DelPLR,  !- A84  Set PLR = @min PLR 1.0,  !- A85  ENDIF,          !- A86  Set Iter = Iter + 1,   !- A87  If (Iter == 16),     !- A88  Set Relax = 0.5,     !- A89  ENDIF,          !- A90  ENDWHILE,         !- A91  ELSE,           !- A92  Set PLR = 1.0,      !- A93  Set OutAir_H = FullLoadOutAirEnth,  !- A94  Set OutAir_W = FullLoadOutAirHumRat,  !- A95  Set OutletAirTemp = FullLoadOutAirTemp,  !- A96  ENDIF,          !- A97
Thanks for asking for inputs.
On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:08 PM, Jason Glazer jglazer@xxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ÂThanks for all the suggestions I received on this thread. I
compiled them here:
Please let me know if you have additional suggestions or
On 3/31/2016 3:42 PM, Jason Glazer wrote:
> If you use IDF Editor extensively and have ideas on how it
> can be made easier to use please let me know. I am
> especially interested in ideas on how to reduce
> time-consuming repetitive actions that would be simple for
> me to program. Here are the current GitHub issues related
> to IDF Editor:
> https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AIDFEditor
> Please email me directly and I will compile a list of
> suggestions and post a summary.
> Thanks
> Jason
Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair
Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists
-- Jason Glazer, P.E., GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists--