Dear Sajal, I imagine you're looking at the wrong thing … In the early part of his "Table.HTML" there is a table with the title "End Uses.” This table is divided into some columns: Electricity [kWh], Natural Gas [kWh] Additional Fuel [kWh] District Cooling [kWh] District Heating [kWh] Water [m3], according to the source of energy used. If so, just watch the values for "Heating", "Cooling" and "Fans" and convert them to GJ using the ratio 1 [kWh] = 0.0036 x [GJ / h]. Otherwise, based on Input/Output Reference Guide, it appears that your file is set to IDF kWh “ClassList" > "OutputControl: Table: Style". There is a possibility that the data are provided in: - JtoKWH - Joules converted into kWh (1 / 3,600,000) - JtoMJ - Joules converted into megajoules (1 / 1,000,000) - JtoGJ - Joules converted into gigajoules (1 / 1,000,000,000) - InchPound - convert all annual, monthly, economics and timebins tabular values to common Inch-Pound equivalent Remember: the current options are limited to just how the energy is being Reported. God job, Arq Carlos Krebs Me Arquitetura e Urbanismo PROGRAU/FAUrb/UFPEL LEED® Accredited Professional Auditor Interno ISO 14.001 Consultor de Eficiência Energética em Edificações
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