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[Bldg-sim] TRAINING: Learn new DesignBuilder LEED features at SimBuild

DesignBuilder Pre-Conference Training at ASHRAE-IBPSA SimBuild 2016...only 3 weeks to go!


During these two pre-conference training days we will show you how to use DesignBuilder to improve productivity, enabling you to model and analyse building performance using EnergyPlus much more quickly and efficiently. No prior learning or knowledge of DesignBuilder is required and the workshops will cover the key elements of modeling from early through to detailed project stages and LEED certification. Both workshops will use our latest software, due to be released this summer, which includes significant new ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G automation. Come along and learn how to use these new tools and experience for yourself why 95% of those attending our training would recommend it to a friend or colleague, and why over 98% of our customers would recommend DesignBuilder to a friend or colleague.


8th August 2016: Day 1 � DesignBuilder fundamenttals and early-stage modeling


Day 1 is designed for those with no DesignBuilder experience and for existing customers who wish to brush up on the latest features. You will learn how to:


·        Import models directly from Revit and from other BIM tools via gbXML import, and import floor plans to aid geometry creation.

·        Quickly create and edit model geometry.

·        Use DesignBuilder’s unique data input and management tools to vastly reduce your data input time and effort.

·        Quickly model a variety of solar shading devices.

·        Run steady-state heating and dynamic cooling load calculations using EnergyPlus’s accurate ASHRAE heat balance method.

·        Run simulations and generate outputs to quantify comfort and energy performance.


9th August 2016: Day 2 � DesignBuilder for detailed ddesign and the new LEED modeling tools


Day 2 is focused on our new LEED functionality and is designed for those who have completed day 1 or existing customers who wish to brush up on our latest features. You will learn how to:


·        Set up an ASHRAE 90.1 proposed model “from scratch”.

·        Gain LEED daylighting credits.

·        Use DesignBuilder’s new LEED tools to automate the baseline building and HVAC system creation.

·        Fine-tuning and modeling non-predominant systems in mixed-use buildings.

·        Data checking and analysing outputs for LEED.


Full details and booking details are available from the ASHRAE SimBuild web page.