Dear List-ÂI have a new hire (copied here) who is learning Energy Plus on Linux. As a windows user I have not ran Energy Plus using a command prompt, so am not much help to him. His error message is below. I tested the file he is using on windows and it runs fine. Any help someone can offer is greatly appreciated, thank you!I downloaded and installed EnergyPlus using the script to test an input file. My input file is named in.idf and weather file named is in.epw and both are located in the current working directory. The EnergyPlus executables are correctly added to the PATH environment variable. Executing runenergyplus deletes my input and weather file and fails to generate output. The following is the output copied from the terminal: Â
:~/NRGsim/EnergyPlus/testfiles$ runenergyplus in in
=============== EnergyPlus =================
First argument must the input file name,
received /home/chad/NRGsim/EnergyPlus/testfiles/in.idf
Usage:Â runenergyplus InputFileName [WeatherFileName]
       or: runenergyplus --help (or -h)
       or: runenergyplus --weather (or -w)
Runs EnergyPlus with an idf or imf input file and creates a
full set of output files (e.g., creates *.csv files, etc.)
NOTE: All output will be placed in the output subdirectory (i.e., ./output)
  --help, or -h    displays this help
  --weather, or -w displays the installed weather files
===== EnergyPlus terminated with error =====
 ÂJeremiah D. Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGsim Inc.Â7409 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR, 97219 #204