testing the CO2 concentration function. I put the outdoor CO2 at 400ppm and
created several rooms with different volumes, with one person in each room.
Each room gets 30 m³/h outdoor air, continously. There are no windows who can open, there is no infiltration.
When I have no windows in the building and the temperature is stable at 20°C, I have maximum CO2 concentrations between 916 ppm and 983 ppm, which looks normal to me.
Adding 90% windows (which raises the temperatures) gives CO2 concentrations between 758 and 911 ppm.... very strange.
Is there a relation between the temperature and the CO2 concentration? I don't think so.
I see that the human CO2 generation rate is defined as 0,0000000382 m³/s/W .
With higher temperatures, the sensible heating rate of persons drops, but does this mean that the CO2 generation rate drops at the same rate? (I can't see this dependancy in the result viewer however)