I hadn't even thought about enhancing the AppGPostProcess program, honestly I have gotten very little feedback on the usefulness of that software since I wrote it in 2009. It would be cool if it compared against the proposed and figured out the percent savings. Would others find this useful?
On 5/18/2017 9:30 PM, Jeremiah Crossett jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:
â??â??Hi Jason,
Thinking about something that would save some time: Would it be possible to make the AppG post processing software average the 4 rotated cases and compare them to the proposed design? In this idea rather than specifying AllSummary for HTML report one would specify only LEEDSummary. Then rather than the AppGPostProcess software creating a GAVGTable.html it would make a GAVGVSPROPOSEDTable.html Then the single HTML report would provide the baseline vs performance % cost savings as well as % energy savings breakdown. This would be a very useful report for a modeler to be able to send to the project architects and engineers and would save a bunch of time. Given that what matters for LEED is the difference from baseline, and the current capability of the AppGPostProcess software to read and write Enegry Plus HTML, it makes sense to me that the AppGPostProcess software should be able to automatically generate a LEED report that includes the energy consumption for each rotation, rotated average baseline, the proposed design, percentage savings for each energy end use, cost savings percent and number of LEED points based on LEED V4 credit thresholds.  I think to implement such a report there would need to be a drop-down added to the AppGPostProcess screen on EP launch to select between New Construction, Renovation and Core & Shell so that the percent cost savings would result in the correct amount of points for the project type.Â
Option 1. Energy simulation (1-18 points)|-----Â Â 6% new/4% reno/3% core (1 point)|-----Â Â 8% new/6% reno/5% core (2 points)|-----Â Â 10% new/8% reno/7% core (3 points)|-----Â Â 12% new/10% reno/9% core (4 points)|-----Â Â 14% new/12% reno/11% core (5 points)|-----Â Â 16% new/14% reno/13% core (6 points)|-----Â Â 18% new/16% reno/15% core (7 points)|-----Â Â 20% new/18% reno/17% core (8 points)|-----Â Â 22% new/20% reno/19% core (9 points)|-----Â Â 24% new/22% reno/21% core (10 points)|-----Â Â 26% new/24% reno/23% core (11 points)|-----Â Â 29% new/27% reno/26% core (12 points)|-----Â Â 32% new/30% reno/29% core (13 points)|-----Â Â 35% new/33% reno/32% core (14 points)|-----Â Â 38% new/36% reno/35% core (15 points)|-----Â Â 42% new/40% reno/39% core (16 points)|-----Â Â 46% new/44% reno/43% core (17 points)|-----Â Â 50% new/48% reno/47% core (18 points)
Jeremiah D. Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGsim Inc.Â
On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Jason Glazer jglazer@xxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] < > wrote:
ÂI am working on improving the EnergyPlus reporting,
including the LEED Summary report, to make it easier to
submit to LEED. If you frequently use EnergyPlus to get LEED
points for building projects and have suggestions on how the
reporting can be improved, please let me know.
Jason Glazer, P.E., BEMP, GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair, 209 chair
Admin for building performance mailing lists
-- Jason Glazer, P.E., BEMP, GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair, 209 chair Admin for building performance mailing lists--James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, MI 49504
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