Big Ladder Software would like to remind everyone that we are leading three training workshops in conjunction with Building Simulation 2017 in San Francisco. These workshops are EnergyPlus for Practitioners, OpenStudio Launch Pad, and OpenStudio Measure Writing, which take place both before and after the conference in August. These are public workshops, meaning that you can register for them even if you aren't attending the conference!
To review information for each workshop, please see:
This one-day workshop focuses on teaching you how to write your own measures for OpenStudioâ??s powerful scripting and automation framework. We cover the essentials of the OpenStudio API, the Ruby programming language, and the OpenStudio Software Development Kit documentation. We explore all three categories of measures: OpenStudio, Energ yPlus, and Reporting. We will also show how to use a measure to automatically generate a baseline building model for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 compliance. Demonstrations and hands-on exercises are used extensively throughout.
Previous Ruby scripting experience is not required. You are welcome to register for this workshop separately from the OpenStudio Launch Pad workshop.