Thank you very much, I found it, it should be Coil, so the number is not from 0 to 1, what does it mean, does it have a range? usually, I think the efficiency is from 0 to 1, if it's closer to 0, the efficiency is low, if it's closer to 1, it's high.Thank you so so much!On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 1:27 PM, Jim Dirkes [EnergyPlus_Support] < > wrote:ÂWilliam,For a DX coil, have you seen this? (COP is a measure of efficiency)For a Chiller, it's in the Chiller objectOn Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 2:16 PM, liwenliang1984@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] < > wrote:ÂHi all,
    I am just wondering how can I set up efficiency for AC equipment in EnergyPlus, I looked around almost all the parameters in EnergyPlus, I didn't find the parameter for AC efficiency.Thanks!William
--James V Dirkes II, CEO / President
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, MI 49504(alphabet soup of efforts for excellence: PE, BEMP, BCxP, LEED AP)
Direct / Mobile: 616.450.8653
Website l  LinkedIn
Coffee conversation: What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?
--James V Dirkes II, CEO / President
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, MI 49504(alphabet soup of efforts for excellence: PE, BEMP, BCxP, LEED AP)
Direct / Mobile: 616.450.8653
Website l  LinkedIn
Coffee conversation: What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?