I have a quick question about the MaterialProperty: PhaseChangeHysteresis object. I already looked in the input/output difference and can't figure out the difference, maybe it's a language barrier, however I hope you (or someone else) can clarify. Field: High Temperature Difference of Melting Curve
This is the width of the enthalpy/specific heat melting curve, on the high side of the peak melting temperature, in Kelvin (technically it is â??change in Kelvinâ??). Field: Low Temperature Difference of Melting Curve
This is the width of the enthalpy/specific heat melting curve, on the low side of the peak melting temperature, in Kelvin (technically it is â??change in Kelvinâ??).
The material I am simulating starts melting at 23°C and finishes at 28°C. The peak melting temperature is 25°C.