Hi dear all,
This is a residential modelling using OpenStuido / DesignBuilder / and EnergyPlus software with and without auxiliary solar loop. The HVAC design consists of an AHU system in which heating is supplied through two different methods One using electric heating coils and next using water heater coils connecting to a boiler. Moreover, cooling is supplied through electrical cooling system.The files run completely without any errors. However, the temperature results of simulation, more specifically for the zone mean temperatures exceed the corresponding temperature set points for each zone that seems outputs are not correct. I would appreciate it if you could help me to solve this problem and tell me have I used the correct component for this modeling, like heat exchanger an so on?
Attachment not found: D:\Eudora\Attach\WithoutSolarLoopModel1.idf
Attachment not found: D:\Eudora\Attach\WithSolarLoopModel1.idf