Dear Researchers and Experts,Please I am in interested in modeling a conventional single Zone HVAC system with boiler used for providing hot water to heating coils and chiller for chilled water for cooling coils in AHU as shown in the attached picture.ÂAdditionally, there will be a humidifier (that uses Steam or hot water ) and either HEPA or ULPA filters.Am only interested in the energy consumption of these components at varying setting point conditions and I have been asked to use EnergyPlus to model it.Is there any material or any example IDF file that i can refer to to help me get started?Am very new to EnergyPlus.Please help!!Thank you--Â--James V Dirkes II, CEO / President
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, Grand Rapids, MI 49504(alphabet soup of efforts for greater understanding: PE, BEMP, BCxP, LEED AP)
Direct / Mobile: 616.450.8653
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