is pleased to announce the availability of new climate data (TMYx) for more than 1050 locations in East Asia for the following countries:
·        China, including Hong Kong and Macau (listed separately)
·        Taiwan
·        North Korea
·        South Korea
·        Japan
This completes Asia in the TMYx data set ? leaving portions of Europe, UUS and Canada. TMYx are derived from the ISD (US NOAA's Integrated Surface Database) with hourly data through 2017 using the TMY2/ISO ISO 15927-4:2005 methodologies. Any naming mistakes in any of the countries are ours. More details on the numbers of locations by country are at the end of this message.
Adding these data to the earlier (April/October/November 2018/February 2019) sets for the Americas, Africa, Middle East, So Asia, and SW Pacific, Russia (both Asia and Europe) and Central Asia, now provides climate TMYx data at no cost for more than 7,850 locations and another 3,200 from other data sources worldwide. All data have been through extensive quality checking to identify and correct data errors and out of normal range values where appropriate.
Each climate location .zip on contains: EPW (EnergyPlus weather format), CLM (ESP-r weather format), and WEA (Daysim weather format) along with DDY (ASHRAE design conditions in EnergyPlus format), RAIN (hourly precipitation in mm, where available), and STAT (expanded EnergyPlus weather statistics).
For more information or to download any of the weather data (no cost), go to
Climate files by country in this update:
·        China, 605 locations, 992 climate files
·        Hong Kong, 7 locations, 12 climate files
·        Macau, 1 location, 2 climate files
·        Taiwan, 47 locations, 59 climate files
·        Japan, 274 locations, 519 climate files
·        North Korea, 27 locations, 54 climate files
·        South Korea, 91 locations, 153 climate files