Big Ladder Software is pleased to announce that we are leading a workshop series in Denver in September! This workshop series will be held at Big Ladder Software on the days immediately before and after the upcoming 2019 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference in Denver. You can register for these workshops separately from the conference.
We will offer training opportunities for EnergyPlus and -- for the first time ever -- Modelkit. Modelkit is a free and open-source, cross-platform framework for parametric modeling developed by Big Ladder Software. It integrates templates and scripting to automate the generation and management of EnergyPlus models, but itâ??s generic enough to be used with any simulation engine that accepts text-based input files. By integrating templates and scripting, Modelkit makes it possible to create a highly-efficient and flexible workflow for generating building energy models for parametric analysis.
EnergyPlus for Practitioners (September 23-24)
Modelkit for EnergyPlus (September 28)
We culminate with Big Ladder Softwareâ??s Modelkit Excel tool that simplifies parametric analysis by allowing users to set parametric values in a spreadsheet tool and apply the Modelkit framework to automatically compose and simulate EnergyPlus input files, as well as compare user-specified results between simulations. By the end of the workshop, you should be comfortable with creating and simulating EnergyPlus input files using the Modelkit framework. Demonstrations and hands-on exercises will be used extensively throughout to generate models with a range of energy-efficiency measures and HVAC system configurations.
Previous experience with EnergyPlus is recommended but not required.