[Equest-users] DOAS and dummy zones

Xavier García Casals xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop
Mon Sep 8 11:08:09 PDT 2008

Dear eQuest users,
I am dealing with a building that has a MZ centralized ventilation 
system (no AC nor heating but with economizer and heat recovery 
capacities), and independent AC systems per zone.
Is there a way to model a DOAS that supplies OA to the different other 
than creating a dummy zone and defining a PSZ to supply the required 
ventilation air to this zone, and then have other zone PSZ systems get 
its OA from this dummy zone?

* *

*Xavier García Casals*


*Sistemas** Solares, Eficiencia Energética e Ingeniería Bioclimática** *


* *

Sistemes Avançats d'Energia Solar Tèrmica SCCL

C/ Palermo, 17. Bajos dcha. 28043 Madrid

Tel: (+34) 91 142 27 88


C/ Roger de Llúria,  29 3r 2a 08009 Barcelona

Tel: (+34) 93 342 47 55  Fax: (+34) 93 342 47 56


Mobil: 660 22 94 45

xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop <mailto:xavier.garcia at aiguasol.coop>

http://www.aiguasol.coop <http://www.aiguasol.coop/>

* *


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