[Equest-users] eQUEST Training - Boston, MA

Sam Alpert Sam.Alpert at gdsassociates.com
Mon Jan 26 08:28:21 PST 2009

For those of you interested in an eQuest training local to the Boston
area, there will be one at the Boston Seaport World Trade Center on
March 10, 2009 from 9am - 5pm.
Check out www.buildingenergy.nesea.org for more details.

GDS Associates, Inc.
Engineers and Consultants	 SAMUEL M. ALPERT, CEM

1181 Elm Street, Suite 205
Manchester, NH 03101
phone 603.656.0336
fax 603.656.0301
cell 603-296-5308
Sam.Alpert at gdsassociates.com
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