[Equest-users] Control of Heat Recovery Chiller

Molly Curtz molly.curtz at arup.com
Mon Mar 9 16:16:24 PDT 2009

Hi All,
Along the same lines as Tony Kriel's post earlier today, I am also
having trouble setting up a heat recovery chiller in eQuest.
Specifically, I am looking for advice on how to control the chiller. I
am using the ELEC-HTREC chiller type.   I would like to operate the
chiller when there are simultaneous hot and chilled water loads, up
until the point where either the hot water loop load is satisfied, or
the chiller is operating at maximum capacity. In other words, I do not
want to reject any heat to the condenser water loop, which is required
to be attached to the ELEC-HTREC chiller (in the actual design there is
no CW loop to use!) I only want to operate the heat recovery chiller
only when all heat can be rejected to the hot water loop. Is there a way
to control the chiller operation based on the hot water Loop conditions?
Any ideas on how to do this with the ELEC-HTREC chiller? Is there
another chiller type that can be controlled in this way?
Thanks in advance to anyone who has ideas on this.
Kind regards,
Molly Curtz, P.E.
Mechanical Engineer
403 Columbia St., Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98104
direct: 206 493 2234
tel: 206 749 9674 ext. 25534
fax: 206 749 0665
molly.curtz at arup.com
www.arup.com <http://www.arup.com/> 
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