[Equest-users] Adding Cupola to one story building

Heather Bird heather.bird at meline.com
Fri Sep 25 15:33:55 PDT 2009

I am a new user of eQuest. I have entered a one story building in eQuest by
building a custom Footprint Shape (imported CAD drawing). The building has a
raised ceiling in one area. I cannot see a way to account for the difference
in height other than doing some sort of wall height averaging calculation.
Is there a feature I am overlooking to help me indicate the raised ceiling
in one location? I am in CA and using version 3.60, build 5210. Please let
me know if this is the most current version for Title 24 as well. Thank you.


Heather Bird
Meline Engineering Corporation
P.O. Box 276665
Sacramento, CA 95827


Office:  9216 Kiefer Blvd, Suite 6
              Sacramento, CA  95826


Phone:  (916) 366-3458
Fax: (916) 366-3958


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