[Equest-users] SD or DD?
John Aulbach
jra_sac at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 15 13:12:07 PDT 2010
Nick (and others):
Thinking it through, 99% of SD stuff is in DD Wizard. DD just allows you to make different floor (and/or building) footprints.
So I suppose you could start with a DD Wizard and leave it a single footprint, filling in the blanks with contiguous stuff, then making the different floor (or building) shells from there.
Wish I had more time to speak. 7 models await my shaky hand.
From: Nick Caton <ncaton at smithboucher.com>
To: John Aulbach <jra_sac at yahoo.com>; Ju-Yeon Julie Shin <juyeon519 at hotmail.com>; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Sent: Tue, June 15, 2010 12:38:04 PM
Subject: RE: [Equest-users] SD or DD?
John (or anyone else),
If you have the time, would you mind explaining/suggesting the efficiencies that might come from starting with SD, then converting to the DD wizards? Every project I’ve ever performed has been DD from the get-go, and when I have explored SD it appears to my untrained eye to be a kind of linear, simplified version of the DD wizards….
To stick my neck out a bit – I fairly regularly have projects where we start modeling at a stage when space zoning assignments and system arrangements are quite fluid – it can be handy to define every space in the wizard zone maps to allow for full flexibility later on, and this often results in building a shell-per-floor, with each floor receiving a unique zonal space layout.
I wouldn’t dream of trying this approach on a high-rise building, but with projects of up to 3-4 stories, things generally seem manageable.
To Ju-Yeon’s situation (do understand I am one of the less-experienced contributors here):
I would emphasize using as few footprints for your 9-story building as is acceptable. I would start in the DD wizards, creating a shell for each block of floors using the same footprint. I’ve read that you can group your hi-rise shells in a way that simplifies things thermally without losing accuracy.
For example, if you have three typical floor plans, and they were ordered as such: (ground) A,B,A,B,C,C,B,B,B (roof) - I would suggest building 3 shells as follows: [A,A],[C,C],[B,B,B,B,B]. In this way, you at most need to define only three sets of everything to start, and you’re simultaneously ensuring the lowermost and highest floors, which receive significantly different envelope loads, have the correct floor plan tied to them. Remember the systems you define can ultimately be tied to any combination of zones across different shells.
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From:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of John Aulbach
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 1:06 PM
To: Ju-Yeon Julie Shin; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] SD or DD?
You need to be in the DD Wizard to create different floor footprints. The SD Wizard only allows a single footprint.
I would start in the SD Wizard, getting all of your window/wall roof constructions, general hours of operation, and system type (s). Not knowingwhat your zones will look like, I would set the zoning pattern to one zone per floor (for now).
Once this is set up, then change to DD Wizard to start creating your unique floors. Then you can uniquely set put your zones on a floor by floor basis.
Do you mean EVERY floor footprint is different from the others? This is a very unusual building.
John R. Aulbach, PE, CEM
Senior Energy Engineer
1990 E. Grand Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245
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www.ptrenergy.com| jaulbach at ptrenergy.com
From:Ju-Yeon Julie Shin <juyeon519 at hotmail.com>
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Sent: Tue, June 15, 2010 1:13:13 AM
Subject: [Equest-users] SD or DD?
Hello everyone I am new to eQUEST and have a question about what to use.
The building I am working on has 9 storeys and each single floor footprint is different.
The first three floors are part of a podium building and the rest is office.
In order to create different footprints and finish all the rest of the eQUEST inputs,
1) do I have to build a first floor on the SD wizard and finish all 40ish pages, AND THEN go to the DD wizard
creating new shells for the rest and new HVAC systems, or
2) do I just go the the SD wizard from the beginning to create all different building footprints?
Thank you for your help:)
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