[Equest-users] eQuest: SEER to EIR??
Peter Hillermann
e190984026 at exchange.1and1.com
Thu Jun 17 08:21:48 PDT 2010
I have the same question as Josh. My value from the wizard is coming out
different from the equation. Even when calculating EER to EIR.
Wizard = EER 11 = 0.258
Calculation = EER 11 =0 .31 (which actually is the default value in my model
when I fire it up)
Wizard = EER 12.5 =0.2223
Calculation = EER 12.5 = 0.27
Wizard = SEER 13 = 0.2507
Calculation = SEER 13 = 0.296
However in my calculations there is a 0.05 difference from wizard to
calculation. (Obviously missing something) Should I just use the wizard
values and be done with it?
peterh at westallarchitects.com
3404 pierce drive
chamblee, georgia 30341
o 770.458.4113
f 770.458.5352
c 678.898.2936
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Josh
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 4:02 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] eQuest: SEER to EIR??
Sorry to be beating a dead horse.
the attached document has been floating around the boards for awhile in
regards to how an entered EER value in the Wizard gets converted to the
Cooling-EIR value in the Detailed Edit mode, and after doing a few EER value
tests, I can confirm it works.
I've also found in various emails the conversions on the heat pump heating
side of COP and HSPF to Heating-EIR, and those work too after testing
various values in the Wizard.
Heating EIR = (1/(COP*3.413)-0.012167)/((1/3.413)-0.012167)
Heating EIR = (1/((HSPF*0.28+1.13)*3.413)-0.012167)/((1/3.413)-0.012167)
But I just can't get the SEER to EER conversion from the document (EER =
SEER x 0.778 + 1.4) to work. I'm assuming that the converted SEER to EER
value then gets put into the working equation from that PDF of Cooling-EIR =
As an example.if you put in a 13 SEER into the Wizard, a 0.2507 Cooling-EIR
value is calculated in the Detailed Edit mode, but if you use the SEER to
EER (13 SEER would equal a 11.514 EER) and then the EER to EIR equations, it
says EIR should be 0.2447.
Any help/suggestions would be great.hopefully it's just a math error on my
Josh Greenfield, PE, REP, LEED AP
Energy Services Manager
Associate Vice President
312.242.6392 Direct
<blocked::mailto:jgreenfield at primerachicago.com>
jgreenfield at primerachicago.com
Primera Engineers, Ltd.
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<http://www.primerachicago.com> http://www.primerachicago.com
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