[Equest-users] Waterside Economizer
Varkie C Thomas
thomasv at iit.edu
Mon Jun 28 10:08:02 PDT 2010
I am having a hard time getting �Chiller Type = Waterside Economizer� to work in eQ. I received 2 messages recommending this as the solution. I have 2 more saying that they have not been able to model WSE in eQ. Please let me know if it is not supposed to work.
Unlike DOE2.1E this is the only minimum input required in eQ. In this project during WSE operation we require a Clg-Twr leaving temp (Plate & Frame HX entering temp) of 42F so that the CHW temp leaving the HX is 44F or 46F. The eQ default is 85F. Even with this default and �Chiller Type = Waterside Economizer� I get the error message �Condenser Water Loop has Zero Design Flow�.
Unlike DOE2.1E there is no way of attaching a schedule for WSE operation. I have attached eQ input-output �Without-WSE-1� and �With-WSE-2�; DOE2.1E definitions of WSE commands and keywords; a sample DOE2.1E plant section input showing WSE; a schematic of Plate & Frame HX; and my eQ input for WSE and the resulting error message. The attached project is dummy to test eQ for WSE.
Has anyone modeled WSE with eQ? WSE works with DOE2.1E commands and keywords. Does Waterside Economizer work with EnergyPlus (this project is also going to be modeled with E+ using Design-Builder interface for building and systems), TRACE or HAP
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Thanks. I will try that and I will also try DOE2.1E.
The instructions I got were "the HX is piped between the CHW and CW loops. It should be active when the cooling tower can produce 42 degree water so the chilled water can be 44 degrees. Generally, for Chicago area it would be from December through March???? When it is on the chiller is off as it basically becomes a chiller"
I tried this with eQUEST "If you just simply place a chiller of type water economizer in parallel with your current chiller equest should take care of the rest for you and run the economizer when the conditions are correct for it."
I am still waiting for the actual project model. In the meantime I used 200,000 sf industrial building with cooling load of 750 tons and got the attached error message.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Smith <jsmith at csarchpc.com>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010 9:20 am
Subject: RE: [Equest-users] Waterside Economizer
> Sounds like you’ve looked at the pertinent DOE2.2 Manuals. If you
> can’t find it, try editing the input file directly with the DOE2.1
> commands. More than likely eQuest will error if they are no longer
> functional.
> Jonathan R. Smith AIA LEED®AP
> 40 Beaver Street
> Albany, New York 12207
> p: 518.463.8068 x268
> f: 518.463.8069
> www.csarchpc.com <http://www.csarchpc.com/>
> From: Varkie C Thomas [mailto:thomasv at iit.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 6:13 PM
> To: Sethi, Amarpreet
> Cc: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Waterside Economizer
> Is anyone willing to share an eQ example project input files with
> waterside economizer? The waterside economizer is for a
> centrifugal chiller plant with plate and frame heat exchangers and
> open cooling towers for a very large data center system in
> Chicago?
> I cannot find the equivalent DOE2.1E keywords in the DOE22 Basics,
> Topics & Dictionary manuals:
> Is there DOE2.2 documentation that gives schematics and BDL
> examples of plant scenarios - Load Management, Thermal Storage,
> etc? Is there a �DOE2.2 BDL Summary� manual (similar to DOE2.1E)
> showing default, minimum & maximum.
> The best way to teach building energy modeling & simulation is
> with case studies.
> Varkie
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