[Equest-users] Interior/Exterior Walls in the DD Wizard
Bruce Easterbrook
bruce5 at bellnet.ca
Wed Jun 2 20:49:44 PDT 2010
Gord has a good point, you want to establish all your vertices's on
your ground floor and carry them through your model and floors. That
way you can snap to them and it minimizes errors. It can help to print
out your cad plan and keep track of the points, even the snap can mess
up, but you can double click the point and adjust it if you have to then
continue on. Turn off snap to grid. You can erase points and try
again. eQuest is VERY particular on this.
As a suggestion I don't think you want to go through the hassle and
time of inputing your windows at this stage. You can spend hours at it
and if (when) you have to go back you will lose all that work. Just put
them in crude as % of the wall area. Later, you can make a window or a
few and paste them all over your model in detailed edit. Remember, this
is a thermo model, not a pretty picture. All that matters are areas,
layers, exposure. The only other thing that really matters is, will it
run and not crash. You, at this point have quite a few untidy deals
which eQuest doesn't like. Lots of "save as" with new file names so you
go back a little not to the beginning.
One thing I have found in the last few days, I've got 40 hours into
a complicated box right now, not even pressed the simulate button yet,
is to save your model, close eQuest, and open your model again. This
will generate a new BDL error report. Set it to run through everything,
no checks in the boxes. Good luck!
Bruce Easterbrook P.Eng.
Abode Engineering
On 02/06/2010 05:18 PM, Gordon D. Schweitzer wrote:
> Kristy,
> Cool footprint. I've had this problem before. To remedy this issue, I
> make a vertex wherever I am planning to have a zone boundary in the
> building footprint option. For example, if you drew a straight line
> from one edge of a wall to another, instead of stopping where the
> building zone intersects the exterior, eQuest might not recognize that
> this zone has an exterior wall.
> Therefore, as you trace the building footprint, make a vertex whenever
> an exterior zone boundary intersects a building wall. Then, as you lay
> out zones, trace the exterior zones and use the "Polygon" as your
> first Snap priority.
> Hope this helps.
> Gordon D. Schweitzer III, LEED AP BD+C
> Mechanical Engineer
> *
> Heapy Engineering
> 1400 West Dorothy Lane
> Dayton, OH 45409-1310
> Phone: (937) 224-0861
> FAX: (937) 224-5777
> www.heapy.com <http://www.heapy.com/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
> [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of
> *Walson, Kristy
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 02, 2010 5:09 PM
> *To:* eQuest user forum
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Interior/Exterior Walls in the DD Wizard
> Hi all,
> I am working in the DD Wizard and just built my footprint and zones.
> When I go to enter in the glass information, eQuest is telling me that
> I don't have all of my zones defined and do I really want to define
> the glass. When I say yes, it take me into the Custom Window
> Placement View, but a couple of the walls are not shown as exterior:
> When I check these walls in the Component Tree, it's telling me that
> they are Interior walls, instead of Exterior. I have rebuilt these
> particular zones a few different times now and it keeps thinking they
> are interior walls. Am I doing something wrong for the software to
> think they're Interior walls, or can I change them to Exterior walls
> in the wizard? Thanks in advance for the help.
> *Kristy M. Walson, PE, LEED AP*
> /Mechanical Engineer / Sustainable Design/
> *TLC Engineering for Architecture
> **Your 2030 Challenge Partner***
> 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1600
> Orlando, FL 32801-3463
> phone:
> 407-841-9050
> fax:
> 407-425-7367
> direct:
> 407-487-1118
> website:
> www.tlc-engineers.com <http://www.tlc-engineers.com>
> http://www.tlc-engineers.com/images/TLC_Sig_Loc_Block.gif
> <http://www.tlc-engineers.com/>
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