[Equest-users] Excessive Unmet Heating Load Hours withan Auto-Sized HVAC System
Bruce Easterbrook
bruce5 at bellnet.ca
Fri Jun 11 10:33:43 PDT 2010
You are in trouble shooting mode now, do a save as to get a play file.
Dakota seems right 50,000 hrs is a problem. Add in the baseboards, they
might indicate a few problems zones and give you a clue to the high
hours. Sheila has some good suggestions too. Once you figure out the
problem just go back to the original file and tune it up.
On 11/06/2010 01:03 PM, Robert Des Rosiers wrote:
> Dakota:
> There is definitely diversity in the zones and I have used the glass
> library for all window types. Also, I agree that not having reheat is
> inappropriate for this building use due to the programmatic and
> occupancy diversity within each zone (there are two AHU's feeding
> multiple zones in the proposed design and I have maintained those
> thermal blocks per ASHRAE appendix G). Unfortunately the baseline
> system I have described is what is required per the "Required
> Treatment of District Thermal Energy" document for LEED compliance.
> Assuming the system is functioning correctly (or as best as possible
> considering the design) and the heating loads are not met would LEED
> allow the addition of zone level baseboards for purposes of the
> Optimized Energy credit?
> Note: I have included the suggestions listed below (except for local
> baseboard heating) and the improvement in unmet hours is marginal.
> Thanks -
> *From:* Dakota Kelley [mailto:dakotak at teliospc.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, June 11, 2010 9:40 AM
> *To:* desrosiers at studioma.com
> *Cc:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* RE: [Equest-users] Excessive Unmet Heating Load Hours
> withan Auto-Sized HVAC System
> Robert,
> 50,000 hours is much more than I would anticipate for a capacity
> issue. You are essentially describing a hydronic VAVT system, which
> is begging for unmet heating hours if there is a lot of diversity in
> the zones’ demands and no reheat capabilities. My experience has been
> that eQUEST over-sizes hot water systems, and this is exacerbated if
> the “simple” method is used to define the windows. It can be as much
> as 250%-300%. That many hours sounds like the system is not
> functioning as intended – almost as if the heating loop is not
> assigned to the zones/system, or something similar. Or, not having
> reheat could be inappropriate for the building use or climate.
> Regardless, adding zone reheat as Bruce and Pasha indicated should
> make a huge difference.
> Thanks,
> Project Designer | Energy Analyst
> Office: 214.744.6199
> Cell: 214.280.3825
> Fax: 214.744.0770
> http://www.teliospc.com <http://www.teliospc.com/> 3535 Travis
> St. Suite 115
> dakotak at teliospc.com <mailto:dakotak at teliospc.com> Dallas, TX 75204
> * *
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> *From:* Bruce Easterbrook [mailto:bruce5 at bellnet.ca]
> *Sent:* Friday, June 11, 2010 6:33 AM
> *Cc:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] Excessive Unmet Heating Load Hours
> withan Auto-Sized HVAC System
> In your air side HVAC section go into the zone level and check that
> your sizing option is set to "adjust loads". If it is from loads go
> to the summary tab and change all your zones. Also beside that is
> throttling range, you can try adjusting that upwards say to 4 deg.
> You can also change your control zone to see it this helps. If your
> AHU is off at night you can also adjust it to come on before the
> occupancy. You SS-O report will show this if the hours are lumped
> near the start up time. Then add more heat as Pasha said.
> Bruce Easterbrook P.Eng.
> Abode Engineering
> On 10/06/2010 10:55 PM, Pasha Korber-Gonzalez wrote:
> I have found with my own projects that even sometimes when the HVAC
> designer has specified a specific capacity for htg water equipment
> that sometime in my model file I still have unmet loads for htg. I
> suggest at this point specify additional htg capacity by either
> increasing the reheat delta-T from say 30F to 50F and/or adding zone
> level baseboards. By adding the baseboards you are adding a component
> of the system that will supplement the skin losses being experienced
> by the simulation model.
> by adding baseboards for the additional requrired heat then you should
> be able to meet your heating loads.
> hope this helps,
> pasha
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Robert Des Rosiers
> <desrosiers at studioma.com <mailto:desrosiers at studioma.com>> wrote:
> All:
> I have completed an energy model for a baseline scenario from which to
> compare my proposed design. The baseline HVAC system is a constant
> volume single zone AHU w/ no reheat; the AHU is served by HW and CHW
> loop from a central plant. I have set this up in eQuest as a
> "Variable Air Volume" system type with the AHU fan control set to
> "Constant Volume"; my thought here is that each zone fed by the AHU
> will control temperature using a VAV box w/ no local reheat or
> cooling. Flow and temperature from the AHU will be delivered based on
> the coolest or warmest zone it serves.
> All seems fine with the design flows, ventilation flows and cooling
> capacities. My problem is with the heating capacity as I have
> excessive unmet heating hours (50,000). I have allowed eQuest to size
> the heating capacity of the preheat and heating coil as well as the
> minimum flow ratios. _Does anyone have any thoughts as to what is
> causing these unmet heating load hours? Is the way I have set-up the
> desired baseline HVAC system incorrect?_
> Any guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks -
> Robert Des Rosiers, LEED-AP
> 130 N Central Avenue, No.300 Phoenix, Arizona 85004
> Telephone 602 251 3800
> Fax 602 251 3100
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