[Equest-users] make exterior wall an interior wall
Sami, Vikram
Vikram.Sami at perkinswill.com
Mon Jun 21 19:19:42 PDT 2010
If you've gone through the wizard your interior and exterior walls should be in tehir correct places.
Interioir walls should separate two spaces, and will define heat transfer between those two spaces. You normally have to define which space is on the other side.
Exterior walls define heat transfer between the space and the outside.
If you are in detailed mode, you can delete one and create the other as a child component to the space. When you say large air space - is that the air cavity in the wall? I'm not sure what resistance eQUEST attributes to the larger air gaps, but in reality air cavities over a certain size (I think 1 inch is probably the upper threshold) increase their convective heat transfer and the cavity resistance should go down (not up).
If your just looking to make it adiabatic, I think you should be fine with just deleting the wall. You will lose the thermal mass of the wall material though.
I would model it as an interior wall - especially if there is a space on the other side.
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Reba Schaber [Rschaber at PHMECH.COM]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 9:43 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] make exterior wall an interior wall
I’m running a simulation on just a portion of a building. eQuest sees all walls of the polygon as exterior walls. In reality some walls are interior and will not have heat transfer. Is there any way to make eQuest see those walls as interior walls? I’ve thought of defining those walls with super insulation and a large air space so heat transfer is negligible. Anyone tried that?
Reba Schaber Mechanical Engineer, P.E.
LEED Accredited Professional
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