[Equest-users] Cycling fans

Christopher Jones cj at enersave.ca
Fri Mar 5 13:06:05 PST 2010

Re night cycling of fans.  See Table 3G.1.4

At 03:07 PM 3/5/2010, Vikram Sami wrote:
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>I’ve got an eQUEST model where my designed 
>building has PIUs. I was getting a number of 
>hours of unmet loads till I turned on Night 
>cycle control. With PIUs you can set it to Zone 
>fans only – which makes sense. The loads were 
>met and the energy usage went up marginally.
>The base building is a standard VAV system 
>(system 7).  Since the VAV system doesn’t have 
>zone fans, I have to set it to cycle on any. The 
>energy use goes up considerably in this case. Is 
>this normal? Should I be meeting the loads in another way?
>Also – is it acceptable to have night cycling 
>for a LEED/Appendix G submittal? The building is 
>just not meeting its heating needs if I don’t do 
>this. It’s a historic building with a lot of 
>perimeter glass (single pane) and so the 
>perimeter zones get pretty cold at night (one of the reasons we have PIUs)
>Am I correct in taking credit for this?
>Vikram Sami, LEED AP
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Christopher Jones, P.Eng.
Suite 1801, 1 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M5E1W7
Tel. 416-203-7465
Fax. 416-946-1005
email cj at enersave.ca
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