[Equest-users] Help: DIAGNOSTICS NO LIMITS .. doesn't seem to work

Christina Galyfianaki Christina.Galyfianaki at hurleypalmerflatt.com
Fri Sep 10 02:57:46 PDT 2010

Hello dear eQuesters


I am using some equipment that are operating outside the allowed ranges
of eQuest and for that I get errors.

To allow the simulation to happen I type "DIANOSTIC NO LIMITS.." at the
.inp file. Although I have used this command in the past, it doesn't
seem to work now. I suspect there is a file/directory conflict, which I
cannot find although I have tried many possible combinations. Does
anyone have experience in this to advise me?


Kind regards




Christina Galyfianaki 
Building Physics Consultant

Msc Dip. Architect Engineer, LCEA CIBSE

Energy and Sustainability Division 



building sustainability


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