[Equest-users] Overcooling
Bishop, Bill
wbishop at pathfinder-ea.com
Tue Apr 12 12:50:01 PDT 2011
Yes, first thing you should do is establish a deadband between heating
and cooling (such as using 70F heating thermostat and 75F cooling). Even
70F heating, 72F cooling would perform better in the model than say, 71F
heating and cooling. If the museum really does have only one temperature
setpoint, there are probably controls that lock out cooling during
certain months of the year (or based on OA temperature), or maybe you
have a combination of heating-only and cooling-only systems with
well-established zones. One way to model the controls is to modify your
heating and cooling thermostat schedules so that cooling
months/weeks/days have a lower heating setpoint and heating periods have
a higher cooling setpoint. Another way is to use a system
William Bishop, PE, BEMP, LEED(r) AP | Pathfinder Engineers & Architects
Mechanical Engineer
134 South Fitzhugh Street Rochester, NY 14608
T: (585) 325-6004 Ext. 114 F: (585) 325-6005
wbishop at pathfinder-ea.com www.pathfinder-ea.com
P Sustainability - the forest AND the trees. P
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of
Dombrowski, Ben
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 2:43 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Overcooling
I am working on an existing museum with both constant volume and
variable volume system. I have modeled in the cooling coil capacity for
the ahus and on about half of the units it says the cooling coil
capacity is not large enough. I know that the coils are large enough
since the building is properly cooled. Also overall the system is
cooling a lot more than the bills are saying. Could a problem be that my
heating and cooling temperature set point is the same? Any ideas would
be great.
Ben Dombrowski, EI
Mechanical Engineer Intern
l Global Buildings North America
111 Corning Road Suite 200 l Cary, NC l 27518
Office 919.859.5751 l Fax 919.783.5882
Ben.Dombrowski at jacobs.com <blocked::mailto:Ben.Dombrowski at jacobs.com>
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