[Equest-users] Where to find summary of overridden defaults etc.
Nick Caton
ncaton at smithboucher.com
Wed Apr 20 09:36:01 PDT 2011
Hi Mark,
For eQuest, I don't believe there is any reasonable way to tally
"default overrides." For LEED submittals, I typically enter zeroes at
the corresponding template queries, and that's what I've suggested to
others for initial submittals. I've heard others enter "9999" in all
fields without comment, but 0 seems less conspicuous to me =).
There's further discussion on this topic in the archives -
bookmark/favorite these links if you haven't already:
If a reviewer were to push me to come up with a figure without any
specific guidance after an initial submittal, I suppose I would paste
the .inp file into a word document, ctrl+f for instances of the text
".." without quotes, and explain that number represents an estimate of
the number of non-library entries in the project (screengrab):
I would probably wonder about the reviewer somewhere along the way
too... Anyone familiar with eQuest and LEED knows there's no way to
finish a 90.1-based model without a horde of non-default entries... I'm
having difficulty guessing at how this figure could help an eQuest model
reviewer do their job properly. Perhaps it's specific to other software
packages... Thoughts anyone?
To be clear, I'd sooner advise just entering 0's in lieu of jumping
through any unnecessary hoops.
Smith & Boucher Engineers
25501 west valley parkway
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From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 10:11 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Where to find summary of overridden defaults
I know that when a run has issues, it creates an ATTN report with the
warnings listed. But how can I find out how many default values have
been overridden without going through every screen and counting them?
Thanks, all!
Senior Project Manager
A2SO4 Architecture, LLC
Union Station
300 South Meridian Street / 250
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
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