[Equest-users] Fwd: method to input the window overhangs
kirti pabrekar
arkirtipabrekar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 02:19:18 PDT 2011
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From: kirti pabrekar <arkirtipabrekar at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 9:02 PM
Subject: method to input the window overhangs
To: equest-users-request at lists.onebuilding.org,
equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Hi fellow equesters,
Is there any significance of the way of assigning overhangs and vertical
fins to the windows in eQUEST?
In a project of mine, I have horizontal projections that are very deep and
continous on the façade. For ease of assigning overhangs, I put the OA value
and the corresponding OW value to only one window. The 3D model looks as the
real building would look. However the simulation results show difference
when I assign the OA and OW values respectively to each window on that
façade. In this case too, the 3D model looks same as the one before. Also
while assigning the overhangs to the window, we do not provide the material
specifications to them. Is there any way we can assign the materials to the
overhangs of the window or does it have any significance to our simulation
results. I feel, in this case, there shall be significant amount of radiant
heat generated due to these deep overhangs, I would like to know, does
eQUEST consider the radiant heat and its impact on the space cooling loads.
Secondly, does eQUEST consider the impact of solar radiation on the height
of the building? If we apply floor multipliers to the model through the
wizard mode, we see the 3D that is a direct understanding of the building
height. However, when floor multipliers are applied as a parametric run to
the simulation, the results do not seem to match. I have assured that the
other related input parameters are same in both the cases. Any takes on
Any help / suggestion is deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
Ar. Kirti Pramod Pabrekar.
M. Arch,
Environmental Planning and Design.
*...Green is a commitment...not a competition...*
Ar. Kirti Pramod Pabrekar.
M. Arch,
Environmental Planning and Design.
*...Green is a commitment...not a competition...*
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