[Equest-users] Fwd: method to input the window overhangs
kirti pabrekar
arkirtipabrekar at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 01:10:27 PDT 2011
hi keith,
this has helped much... :)
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Keith Swartz <kswartz at ecw.org> wrote:
> Hello, Kirti,
> It sounds like you might want to use a building shade instead of a window
> shade. An overhang entered for a particular window will only shade that
> window. If you want to model a big overhang that shades several windows,
> then I suggest entering a building shade instead of a window shade. In the
> detailed interface right click on “Fixed Shade” in the Component Tree under
> “Building Shell” to create a new shade. Here you can enter the reflective
> and transmission properties of the overhang. See the help screens and
> tutorials for more details. Be careful about coordinates to get it in the
> right location.
> A building shade will rotate with the building. If you are modeling a
> nearby skyscraper that you don’t want to rotate with the building, then
> create a fixed shade under “Project & Site” instead of “Building Shell.”
> This site shade will stay in place as the building is rotated.
> ________________________________
> Keith Swartz, P.E., LEED AP
> Energy Engineer / Senior Project Manager
> *Energy Center of Wisconsin
> *455 Science Drive, Suite 200, Madison, WI 53711
> Phone: 608.238.8276 x123
> Fax: 608.238.0523
> *The Buildings Team*
> *Design decisions through energy, economics and emissions analysis.*
> www.ecw.org/Buildings
> *Energy Center University
> **Your gateway to sustainable design training and online education
> programs.
> *www.ecw.org/university/
> *From:* kirti pabrekar [mailto:arkirtipabrekar at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:19 AM
> *To:* equest-users-request at lists.onebuilding.org;
> equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Fwd: method to input the window overhangs
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *kirti pabrekar* <arkirtipabrekar at gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 9:02 PM
> Subject: method to input the window overhangs
> To: equest-users-request at lists.onebuilding.org,
> equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> Hi fellow equesters,
> Is there any significance of the way of assigning overhangs and vertical
> fins to the windows in eQUEST?
> In a project of mine, I have horizontal projections that are very deep and
> continous on the façade. For ease of assigning overhangs, I put the OA value
> and the corresponding OW value to only one window. The 3D model looks as the
> real building would look. However the simulation results show difference
> when I assign the OA and OW values respectively to each window on that
> façade. In this case too, the 3D model looks same as the one before. Also
> while assigning the overhangs to the window, we do not provide the material
> specifications to them. Is there any way we can assign the materials to the
> overhangs of the window or does it have any significance to our simulation
> results. I feel, in this case, there shall be significant amount of radiant
> heat generated due to these deep overhangs, I would like to know, does
> eQUEST consider the radiant heat and its impact on the space cooling loads.
> Secondly, does eQUEST consider the impact of solar radiation on the height
> of the building? If we apply floor multipliers to the model through the
> wizard mode, we see the 3D that is a direct understanding of the building
> height. However, when floor multipliers are applied as a parametric run to
> the simulation, the results do not seem to match. I have assured that the
> other related input parameters are same in both the cases. Any takes on
> this?
> Any help / suggestion is deeply appreciated.
> Thank you.
> --
> Regards,
> Ar. Kirti Pramod Pabrekar.
> IGBC AP, LEED India,
> M. Arch,
> Environmental Planning and Design.
> *...Green is a commitment...not a competition...*
> --
> Regards,
> Ar. Kirti Pramod Pabrekar.
> IGBC AP, LEED India,
> M. Arch,
> Environmental Planning and Design.
> *...Green is a commitment...not a competition...*
Ar. Kirti Pramod Pabrekar.
M. Arch,
Environmental Planning and Design.
*...Green is a commitment...not a competition...*
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