[Equest-users] Reg: Hourly Report Block Output - Thermal Zone

Steven Savich ssavich at systemswestengineers.com
Mon Dec 5 17:03:51 PST 2011


Can you post your .pd2 and .inp files to the list?  It'll be easier to
understand what's going on if we can look at the model directly.


-----Original Message-----
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Sivakumar,
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 4:57 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Reg: Hourly Report Block Output - Thermal Zone

Hi Everyone

I am trying to the view the 8760 output of zone temperatures for my spaces
to analyze when the cooling and heating are kicking in. So, I go to hourly
report block and select variable type " thermal zone"  and selected "
Current hour zone temp " and " current hour zone thermostat setting". When I
run my output report, the values generated for the two columns are zeros for

 So, I went to different variable type like " HVAC system" and selected "
air leaving heat coil temp " etc and ran the output file and it works and I
see the values I was expecting to see, that verified that my hourly report
block was working or I am creating the hourly report block in the right

Then I went back to variable type " Thermal zone" again and selected
different output selection like load etc, zero values in the output file. 

Then thought probably the space I am selecting is in error, so selected
another space to check if values can be seen, but no luck, for thermal zone
variable , I am not seeing any numbers only zeros. 

I checked the equest archives online, if there is any solution to this
problem, but everyone was mentioning that it can be done and describing the
same procedure above. 

I am thinking, this should be a very silly issue and I am not able to
identify it. If anyone can let me know, what I am doing wrong and guide in
the right direction, that would be of loads of help. 

Thank you
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