[Equest-users] Gated Community & Roof reflectivity
Yusuf Turab
yusuf at ytenterprises.com
Wed Apr 11 11:30:07 PDT 2012
Thank you. I guess I have someway to go before I have system sizing and
unmet hours fully figured out. One more question:
- If I want to create multiple buildings of similar type, built up area
and construction but different conditioned spaces, interior layouts and
orientations. Can I simply make a copy of the old pd2 file and simply
change the footprint zone and orientation in the new file? I tried to do
this but I cannot see the 3D model of the new building.
Does this mean every model has to be created from scratch?
Many Thanks
On 11 April 2012 19:03, Bruce Easterbrook <bruce5 at bellnet.ca> wrote:
> Auto sizing is to ball park your system. There is no computer program
> which with the press of a button will design your building for you. You
> have unmet hours because you have conflicts in your design. You now have to
> identify the conflicts and resolve them. eQuest works by prioritizing the
> cooling system, hence when you have conflicts they show up mostly as
> unheated hours. eQuest has a low default on airflow, 0.5 cfm/SF, this many
> times is a good place to start. Depending on where you are 0.75 or 1.0
> could work better. You can also vary the flow to different zones
> independently. You can't put 0.5 cfm into 20 spaces from the same AHU and
> expect the heating and cooling needs of each space to be met 100% of the
> time. Get into your sim file and figure out where the spaces are with
> large unmet hours, figure out why and start adjusting the inputs to reduce
> them.
> There is no point to average the 4 orientations, nor is it allowed, just
> LEED mumbo jumbo. It just illustrates how the orientation of your building
> effects the energy consumption to run it. Most modellers get a building, a
> street, a front and back with no option on orientation. That is your base
> case. It can be handy to illustrate design flaws if there is a large
> difference in energy consumption in different directions. Just don't call
> it that when you are telling the architect a 20 story atrium is not a great
> idea on the north side of a building. lol.
> Bruce Easterbrook P.Eng.
> Abode Engineering
> On 10/04/2012 02:53 PM, Yusuf Turab wrote:
> Hello Group
> - Why do I get unmet hours even when I select the auto size option in
> the HVAC system? What is the point of auto sizing?
> - Is there a way to simulate all 4 orientations and get an average
> result for the base case?
> Thanks
> Yusuf Turab
> IGBC Accredited Professional, LEED Green Associate & GRIHA Trainer
> Y T Enterprises
> 18 A, Hamsa Layout ¦ R.S Puram ¦ Coimbatore - 641002
> http://www.ytenterprises.com/
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> On 10 April 2012 00:54, Yusuf Turab <yusuf at ytenterprises.com> wrote:
>> Hello Group
>> I have just started working on my first energy modeling
>> project. I have two questions:
>> - How do I model roof reflectivity. I want to model a roof of 4 inch
>> concrete with 1 inch stucco at the bottom and top and cover the roof with
>> cool roof tiles. I am not sure how I can account for the energy efficiency
>> gains compared to base case through a high SRI roof.
>> - I am trying to model a large gated community with 330 villas and 7
>> other common buildings. As someone suggested on this group I am modeling
>> each building type separately and using excel to come up with a total
>> energy usage. But I am not sure how to model the street lighting and
>> landscape lighting at the exteriors. We plan to use solar street lights and
>> I want to demonstrate the savings through use of solar energy.
>> Many Thanks
>> Yusuf Turab
>> On 10 April 2012 00:32, nirupama lakshminarasimhan <
>> nirupamalnarasimhan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am modeling a big public school with a lot of systems and custom
>>> windows. The equest file we have right now is taking too long to load. I've
>>> tried opening it from different locations- the default equest project
>>> folder on C: , the public server, external HDD, etc. It is just too slow in
>>> "importing project data" when it opens. The last time this happened, it was
>>> taking too long to load the BDL file and I ended up deleting a host of
>>> systems and starting from scratch. All my files- the .inp, .pd2, etc are in
>>> the same path. I just cannot get it to work faster. I'm trying to calibrate
>>> the model and it is an awfully long wait for each simulation. Does someone
>>> have any thoughts on how I could get this to work faster?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Nirupama
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