[Equest-users] Will the Gap between shells affect simulation data?

Peter Baumstark pbaumstark at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 8 15:00:38 PDT 2012

I don't see a situation where eQUEST would "see" this as two buildings.  There's 
one simulation output for the model.  For all intents and purposes, it should be 
no different than setting up different activity areas, unless you have some 
special requirements that I'm not understanding.


From: Daniel Sze <dsze314159 at gmail.com>
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Sent: Wed, August 8, 2012 2:03:40 PM
Subject: [Equest-users] Will the Gap between shells affect simulation data?

Hello everybody, 

I have made a building model composed of two shells that are touching each other 
at a side, similar to a lock and key. One shell is a two story office space. The 
other shell is a single-floor manufacturing space with a floor-to-ceiling height 
equal to the height of the office shell.

Will eQuest treat these 2 shells as if they are 2 separate buildings or as if 
they are one big building? The project calls for the entire assembly to be 
modeled as a single building so this is important.
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