[Equest-users] eQuest on Mac

Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr. poleary1969 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 17:37:49 PST 2012

for the record, i have run various versions of vmware since late 2008 on 
a mac mini (2007 core duo w/2gigs of ram), a macbook (2008 white core 2 
duo 4 gigs ram), and my imac (2008 core 2 duo w/4 gigs of ram).  no 
problems with vmware, windows, or equest on any of the machines.  winxp 
pro on the imac, win2k on the macbook and on the mini.  i tried 
parallels back in 2008 but found vmware more to my liking.  i've tried 
wine, and crossover office (as a beta tester) for equest & not had any 
stable success in either case.  from my experience, despite not wanting 
to deal with windows on my mac, vmware just works.  just backup the 
virtual machine once it is set up so if it gets corrupted you can 
restore the backup.  and save all of your work to a server that is 
backed up so when windows eventually goes you don't lose all of your 
equest work.

On 2/7/12 6:25 PM, Keith Leadbetter wrote:
> Alex,
> I agree with Andre. I have a similar setup: MacBook Pro, 2.53 GHz, 8GB 
> RAM, etc. I have tried both VMWare Fusion and Parallels.  VMWare 
> Fusion works best for me.
> Keith
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 7:58 PM, A Duurvoort <aduurvoort at gmail.com 
> <mailto:aduurvoort at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> My current setup: MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel, 8GB RAM. VMWare Fusion, 
>> Windows 7 x86. Runs AutoCad 2010, eQuest, coil/fan selection, and 
>> Google sketchup (trying to learn the EnergyPlus plugin! NOT EASY, is 
>> there a forum for that??)
>> Cheapest way I have found is to use a bootcamp partition to run 
>> Windows XP 32-bit. XP Pro is my favorite windows flavor, but Windows 
>> 7 (x86) will work fine also to run eQuest.
>> If you have some cash, VMWare Fusion works great, better and faster 
>> than the other VM programs I've tried. It can even run your existing 
>> bootcamp partition without a reboot. using 32-bit OS seems to play 
>> better with eQuest.
>> Andre
>> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Alex Blue 
>> <ablue at sustainable-solutions.ca 
>> <mailto:ablue at sustainable-solutions.ca>> wrote:
>>     Dear Mac nerds and/or developers:

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