[Equest-users] Sustainability Analyst - job position

Kapil Upadhyaya KapilU at kirksey.com
Mon Jul 2 11:10:04 PDT 2012

Join Our Award Winning EcoServices Team!

Sustainability Analyst, Houston, TX

Kirksey is seeking a recent architectural graduate with up to five years work experience for an entry-level position with our EcoServices team.  The position includes a variety of duties including daylight and energy modeling, other LEED documentation, and green building research.  The accepted candidate will be trained in LEED-specific energy modeling, but should have some previous experience with building energy analysis.  This experience may be either academic or professional.  The ideal candidate will have some level of experience in a detailed energy modeling program such as: EQuest, EnergyPlus, IES, Energy10, Trane Trace, Transys, ESPR or VisualDOE.  Experience in a daylight modeling program such as AGI32, Radiance or 3DSMax would also be a plus.  Other energy or building performance analysis software experience will also be considered.

Candidate should have school or work experience with green building strategies.  The ideal candidate will have some experience with LEED documentation.  LEED AP or Green Associate Accreditation is preferred.

*         Be trained on, and then perform, daylight modeling and energy modeling for LEED projects.
*         Study and thoroughly learn the LEED New Construction and LEED Interiors green building rating systems.
*         Solicit, organize, and enter LEED documentation data.
*         Coordinate several LEED projects simultaneously.

*         Bachelors or graduate degree in architecture.
*         Ability to pick up new skills and software quickly.
*         Energy and Daylight modeling software as listed above.
*         Web/Computer savvy: MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Adobe Acrobat
*         Photoshop or other graphics programs a plus
*         Dependable and able to work without close supervision
*         Detail oriented with an ability to multitask

Contact Kapil Upadhyaya: kapilu at kirksey.com, 713-426-7508

Kapil Upadhyaya, LEED AP
Kirksey | Architecture
6909 Portwest Drive  |  Houston Texas 77024  |  www.kirksey.com<http://www.kirksey.com>
o  713 426 7508  |  f  713 850 7308  |  kapilu at kirksey.com<mailto:kapilu at kirksey.com>

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