[Equest-users] Supply airflow sizing

Turner, Erik eturner at DLRGROUP.com
Mon Jun 11 12:15:47 PDT 2012

Is there a place in the documentation that details how eQuest calculates
supply airflows? I'm modeling a VAVS system, and it seems the
MIN-SUPPLY-T for cooling and MAX-SUPPLY-T for heating are used to arrive
at cooling and heating CFMs, and the larger of the two is applied as the
airflow to that space (plus OSA I'd imagine).

I have a space that has a cooling load of 108kBTUh and a heating load of
-36kBTUh. I've done a handcalc (Q=1.8*cfm*deltaT) to arrive at the

Cooling: (supply at 55, space temp at 75) -->3000cfm
Heating: (supply at 95, space temp at 72) -->870 cfm

OSA requirement is 4200cfm.

By hand, I calculate a value of around 7200cfm. However the value listed
as supply flow in the SV-A is 71225cfm, about an order of magnitude
larger than what my hand calc suggests.

Am I thinking about something incorrectly here, or can anyone point me
in the direction to find documentation on how eQuest calculates airflows
so I can try and troubleshoot the inputs that would affect the answer? 


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