[Equest-users] Large model crashes on changing system
rubu98 at gmail.com
rubu98 at gmail.com
Thu May 17 07:20:17 PDT 2012
Thank you for your suggestions. I was aware of importing schedules and
material constructions through the INP import feature of eQuest (the 90.1
layer-by-layer constructions file from these forums helped a lot), but
wasn't sure if someone had imported part of a building successfully.
I am now looking at getting rid of the top/middle/bottom floor setup, and
reducing my number of windows. Hopefully I should get this model running
Thanks again.
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Nick Caton <ncaton at smithboucher.com> wrote:
> Hi RK,****
> ** **
> Your questions are most quickly answerable in reverse order:****
> ** **
> #2: yes, you can create a partial model and import into another. I have
> attached a guide to this approach (also findable within the mailing list
> archives and elsewhere on the web). ****
> #1: You could take an approach using what you proposed for #2, but I would
> first try to define your middle stories as single-story shells with no
> ceiling or floor (adiabatic) and then assigning an appropriate shell
> multiplier at the first DD shell wizard screen to get the quantities
> right. That should avoid the whole top/middle/bottom thing.****
> ** **
> I also suspect sheer size to be the foundation of your troubles, with
> geometry-induced errors following close behind. ****
> ** **
> If you’re still stuck I would look hard at whether there’s any means to
> simplify how your 74k windows are defined and/or the associated perimeter
> wall geometries. To that end I’ve also attached a previous discussion
> where a window/wall geometry error was causing crashes in a large model –
> might be instructive/helpful for your current situation. ****
> ** **
> Hopefully the above suggestions will simplify things back into working
> order, but if not it is sometimes productive to save a dummy copy of your
> file and you’ll find removing a specific shell or system will return the
> model to stability, in which case re-creating the offending item can be
> faster than trying to ferret out the actual cause. If you take this
> approach try to work backwards from the point you first noticed issues.***
> *
> ** **
> ~Nick****
> ** **
> [image: cid:489575314 at 22072009-0ABB]**
> * *
> *NICK CATON, P.E.***
> ** **
> Smith & Boucher Engineers****
> 25501 west valley parkway, suite 200****
> olathe, ks 66061****
> direct 913.344.0036****
> fax 913.345.0617****
> www.smithboucher.com* *****
> ** **
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:
> equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of *
> rubu98 at gmail.com
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:09 PM
> *To:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Large model crashes on changing system****
> ** **
> Hello everyone,****
> This is my first post to this forum - have been using eQuest for a few
> months now, having used VisualDOE for a few years. I am modeling a large
> building (about 50 stories, with 21 different shells), and currently I have
> one system per floor (34 systems total). However, when I try to change the
> system type for even one system, eQuest crashes. Also, every time I go into
> DD Wizard to simplify my model and exit the wizard, I would get an
> "Unhandled Exception" error and eQuest would crash again. Besides, I have
> about 74,000 windows in the model too. ****
> It'd be great if someone could point out what is wrong with the limited
> information I can explain above, but to resolve my issue, I am considering
> alternative solutions and would appreciate if you guys can comment on them:
> ****
> 1. Is there a way to avoid creating Top, Middle and Bottom floors for
> multiplied floors and have only one floor? Cutting down on two extra floors
> for every shell with mutipliers might help. ****
> 2. Is there a way to split up the model into two, enter all inputs
> seperately and then import one model into another to complete the model and
> run the simulations? I know this sounds complicated, but would appreciate
> some pointers from people who have successfully tried this before.****
> Thanks, ****
> RK.****
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