[Equest-users] capacity smaller than secondary demand

Shaun Martin smartin at shaunmartinconsulting.com
Fri Nov 30 16:31:11 PST 2012

Hi everyone, 


I'm working on a loop-to-loop heat pump model.  My hot water loop has a coil
load of 231.8 kBtu/h, from the SS-D and PS-D reports.   To this loop, I have
710 kBtu/h of heat pumps and an 846 kBtu/h boiler attached, which reasonably
matches the primary number.    


But, for some reason,  the message below is telling me my secondary load is
10x the size that it actually is!



             Loop: Hot Water Loop       heating capacity is smaller

             than the secondary demand. Primary= -1537010.

              Secondary= -2291187.


Does anyone happen to know where this secondary number  actually comes from?





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