[Equest-users] Huge electrical consumption for DHW
Morteza Kasmai
morteza.kasmai at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 09:54:53 PDT 2013
Thank you so much for your respond.
All the inputs are eQUEST defaults; with your suggestions I have to revise
them. I reviewed Section 7 of ASHRAE 90.1-2007, but I couldn't find related
data for the baseline model. I have the exact data for the proposed model
based on the MEP engineer calculations but if I input those data for the
baseline model the project will not achieve any savings from this category.
It would be very helpful if you let me know where I can find these data.
On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Busman, Michael R <MBusman at chevron.com>wrote:
> Morteza,****
> ** **
> I took a very quick look at some of the inputs in wizard mode. Some of
> the input assumptions appear to be on the high side and I’d suggest
> double-checking. ****
> ** **
> **· **20 gal/person****
> **· **sf/person – many of the spaces have an allocation of 100 or
> 200 sf/occupant, which might overstate the number of occupants****
> **· **10 laundry loads/week/apartment – It’s been many years
> since I’ve had little ones or teenagers in the house, so my memory isn’t
> too clear on how many loads/week we used to do, but this seems on the high
> side, but I could be wrong and worth checking.****
> **· **I noticed 2 DHW heaters defined, one at 135 deg. and the
> other at 110 deg. I didn’t look at the input file so I don’t know how
> these get assigned or if both get assigned or just the first heater. 135
> deg. for residential use is high if you want to avoid scalding and will
> also overstate your kWh.****
> **· **Finally, I’d suggest reviewing ASHRAE service hot water
> heating requirements. They indicate *average* daily DHW usage for
> apartments of about 40 gal/apartment and *maximum* usage as high as 80
> gal/day. Please note that the numbers are based on *OLD* data before low
> flow fixtures and devices became common. So a comparison to the ASHRAE
> numbers should be made with the ASHRAE numbers bumped down.****
> **· **I think the ASHRAE chapter on DHW also charts typical
> hourly usage. You might want to check versus your DHW schedule.****
> ** **
> I hope the above helps or maybe gets you on the right path.****
> ** **
> My best,****
> ** **
> Mike Busman****
> ** **
> ** **
> *Michael R. Busman, CEM*****
> Lead Project Engineer II****
> ****
> *Chevron Energy Solutions*****
> A Division of Chevron U.S.A., Inc.****
> 145 S. State College Blvd.****
> Brea, CA 92821 ****
> Direct 714-671-3561****
> Fax 714-671-3438****
> eFax 866-420-0335 (Include my Full Name followed by "CAI:MHTZ" on Cover
> Sheet)****
> Mobile 310-387-2083****
> mbusman at chevron.com****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:
> equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of *Morteza Kasmai
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 21, 2013 9:29 AM
> *To:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Huge electrical consumption for DHW****
> ** **
> ** **
> Dear eQUEST experts,****
> I have Electrical Water Heater for the Residential and Non-residential
> parts of this model. I allowed eQuest to auto-size domestic hot-water use.
> BEPS report shows huge electrical consumption for DHW, more than the total
> consumptions of all others. Is there something wrong?****
> Please find the attached pd2 and inp files of the project.****
> Your comments would be greatly appreciated.****
> Morteza ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ****
> ****
> ** **
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