[Equest-users] LEED 2.2 IEQ 7.1 vs. EA prereq 2

Jeffrey Mancuso jmancuso at aecpersonnelconsultants.com
Thu Dec 11 12:07:17 PST 2014

To Equest users;


One of my clients is actively looking for two modeling engineers.


We are now hiring two energy modelers in the NYC or Norwalk offices:


3-7 years experience in modeling, preferably with eQuest or DOE-2.1.
TRANE/TRACE or equivalent may be OK for the 3 year range, but not for the 7
years position.


Experience has to be for high-rise residential or commercial buildings. We
do more complex modeling. Experience with typical audits for existing
residential buildings (where there may be a boiler to upgrade, some windows
to change) is not useful for what we need.


from 65k to 100k+ depending on the individual


Benefits and complete package including, (medical, 401k, PTO). Opportunity
for advancement.


If you are interested in discussing these opportunities in more detail so
you can evaluate if they are better options for yourself and your career,
please feel free to submit a resume, and I will follow up to discuss it.





From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Martz,
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 11:31 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] LEED 2.2 IEQ 7.1 vs. EA prereq 2



I did an equest model based on ASHRAE 90.1 2007 for LEED 2.2 EA prereq 2.
Another credit IEQ 7.1 states that the building needs to abide by ASHRAE 55
which requires a 1 degree driftpoint. I modeled the building having a 2
degree driftpoint in equest, and I think I will not meet the unmet hours
requirement if I switch it to 1 degree.


Is this even necessary? IEQ 7.1 does not state that I need an energy model,
and EA prereq 2 does not state that I have to meet ASHRAE 55. If I put a 1
degree driftpoint into equest it's going to go crazy.




Amanda E. Martz, EIT, LEED AP

Mechanical Engineer


2301 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

P 215.569.2900, ext. 3612

F 215.569.5963
E amartz at klingstubbins.com 
W www.klingstubbins.com <http://www.klingstubbins.com/> 



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