[Equest-users] Error Message while simulating

Kirti Pabrekar - Patil arkirtipabrekar at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 04:54:01 PST 2014

Dear All,

After successfully finishing the baseline model and while simulating the
baseline runs, my model aborted simulations and prompted an invalid error.

When I attempted to reopen the file, it read; 'Error reading file,line
number 4,column number 49, invalid parametre: "expecting character

Further when I tried to probe in my bdl file, I got the following message;
"ERROR: Cannot open a required file:
It does not exist or is in use. Correct this and retry."

There were no BDL errors when I simulated the file for the first time, so I
am wondering how to fix this

Please help with any inputs.

Thank you in anticipation

*Kirti Pabrekar - Patil*
M. Arch, LEED GA,
IGBC AP, GRIHA Trainer & Evaluator,

*Green is a commitment...not a competition*
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